Free Download Windows XP ISO File x64 & x86


Download Windows XP ISO File x64 & x86 from direct link. So, download Windows XP SP3 ISO files from our site for free. To download Windows XP click here and then install Windows XP.

Windows XP, released by Microsoft on October 25, 2001, was a pioneering operating system that left a lasting impact on the technology landscape. Renowned for its stability, user-friendly interface, and extensive compatibility, Windows XP served as a cornerstone of computing for nearly a decade. Windows XP covered the market for almost 2 decades and is still loved by many. And you are here for Windows XP ISO and you will Download Windows XP ISO file.

Windows XP ISO Download

You can directly download Windows XP SP3 ISO files from our site. Use the link given for the full offline installer of Windows XP SP3 in ISO file. You just need to click on the Download Button below and the download will start automatically.

License: / Product Key Free Trial

File Size:

589 MB (32-bit)

560 MB (64-bit)

Language: English/Multi

Developer: Microsoft Inc.

Clicking on the Download button will download Windows XP SP3 or Windows XP Service Pack 3. Which is the update released by Microsoft. So, click above to Download Windows XP ISO file for free.

Once you have Download Windows XP ISO File, you are recommended to download the Security Update too. It is right at the bottom of this article.

Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP

Windows XP, released in 2001, was the culmination of Microsoft’s evolution in operating systems, building upon the progress made by its predecessors. Windows 1.0 introduced the graphical user interface, while Windows 3.0 and Windows 95 brought performance enhancements and intuitive features.

Windows 98 and Windows ME focused on refining the user interface and improving system stability. Windows 2000 laid the groundwork for a robust business-oriented operating system. Drawing from this lineage, Windows XP emerged as a milestone, combining stability, user-friendliness, and broad compatibility to establish itself as a cornerstone of personal computing for years to come.

Characterized by its distinct start menu, taskbar, and visually pleasing design, Windows XP provided users with an intuitive and accessible computing experience. The operating system introduced numerous features that enhanced productivity and convenience, such as the ability to switch between multiple user accounts seamlessly and a more robust file search functionality.

Windows XP’s stability and reliability were key factors contributing to its widespread adoption. Through innovative system architecture and refined driver support, Microsoft crafted an operating system that offered a dependable platform for both home and business users. Moreover, Windows XP garnered praise for its compatibility with a vast array of software applications and hardware devices, allowing users to effortlessly utilize a wide range of peripherals and software tools.

In addition to its technical achievements, Windows XP fostered an ecosystem of software development, empowering developers to create innovative applications that catered to a growing user base. The operating system’s extensive software library, combined with its user-friendly development tools, spurred the growth of diverse applications and solutions, contributing to its enduring popularity.

Windows XP was not without its flaws, however. As technology advanced and security concerns heightened, the operating system faced challenges in addressing emerging threats. Despite ongoing efforts to enhance security measures, the aging architecture of Windows XP made it susceptible to vulnerabilities that were increasingly difficult to mitigate.

Nevertheless, Windows XP’s legacy endures, with many users cherishing its nostalgic charm and simplicity. Its impact on the computing industry, coupled with its status as one of the most widely used operating systems in history, solidifies its place as a significant milestone in Microsoft’s product portfolio.

As the technology landscape continues to evolve, Windows XP stands as a testament to the importance of a stable, user-centric operating system. Its influence can be seen in subsequent iterations of Microsoft’s operating systems, shaping the development of future computing platforms and inspiring advancements in user experience and software compatibility.

Please note that Windows XP reached its end of support on April 8, 2014. Therefore, it is highly recommended to upgrade to a more recent and supported operating system to ensure optimal security and compatibility with modern hardware and software.

Windows XP Home Edition

Windows XP Home Edtition

Windows XP Home Edition, a distinct version of the Windows XP operating system, was released by Microsoft to meet the specific needs of home users. While Windows XP Professional targeted business environments, Windows XP Home Edition catered to a broader consumer audience, offering a tailored computing experience for households and individual users.

The release of Windows XP Home Edition stemmed from the recognition that home users required an operating system that was user-friendly, reliable, and compatible with a wide range of consumer hardware and software. This edition was designed to provide a seamless and enjoyable computing environment for tasks such as web browsing, email communication, multimedia playback, and basic productivity needs.

While Windows XP Home Edition shared many features with its Professional counterpart, there were a few notable differences. One significant distinction was the absence of certain advanced features predominantly used in business settings. For example, Windows XP Home Edition did not include support for features like domain join, group policy management, or the Remote Desktop server functionality found in Windows XP Professional. These differences were intended to streamline the user interface and focus on the essential needs of home users.

Windows XP Home Edition also placed emphasis on simplified networking capabilities, making it easier for home users to connect their computers to a home network or the internet. It included built-in support for wireless networking, making it more convenient for users to connect to wireless networks and access the internet without the need for additional software or configuration.

The targeted audience for Windows XP Home Edition was primarily home users, including families, individual consumers, and casual computer users. It aimed to provide a stable, user-friendly, and feature-rich operating system that facilitated everyday computing tasks, entertainment, and basic productivity needs within the home environment.

Windows XP Home Edition’s tailored approach, focus on user-friendly features, and compatibility with consumer hardware and software made it an ideal choice for home users seeking an intuitive and reliable operating system. It’s availability and widespread adoption among households worldwide further solidified its place as a popular choice for consumer-oriented computing.

Windows XP Home ISO

Windows XP Professional Edition

Windows XP Professional Edtition

Windows XP Professional Edition, a flagship offering by Microsoft, was specifically developed to meet the demanding requirements of business and professional users. This edition addressed the unique needs of organizations, providing enhanced features and capabilities designed to optimize productivity, security, and network management.

The release of Windows XP Professional Edition aimed to offer a comprehensive computing platform for businesses of all sizes, including small and medium enterprises as well as larger corporations. It recognized the importance of a stable and secure operating system that could support a wide range of business applications and efficiently manage network resources.

Windows XP Professional Edition introduced several key features not found in the Home Edition. It offered robust networking capabilities, including the ability to join domains, manage user accounts through Active Directory, and implement group policies for centralized administration. These features allowed IT professionals to efficiently manage and secure network resources, ensuring seamless connectivity and streamlined user management across an organization.

Security was a paramount concern in Windows XP Professional Edition. It included advanced security features such as Encrypting File System (EFS) for securing sensitive data, support for virtual private networks (VPNs) to establish secure remote connections, and the Windows Firewall for network protection. These features provided a strong foundation for safeguarding critical business information and protecting against external threats.

Windows XP Professional Edition also introduced the Remote Desktop feature, enabling professionals to remotely access their office desktops from anywhere, facilitating system administration, remote troubleshooting, and collaboration. This functionality proved invaluable for organizations with distributed teams, remote workers, or IT support personnel who needed to manage systems from various locations.

Furthermore, Windows XP Professional Edition provided expanded language and multilingual support, making it suitable for global enterprises with diverse linguistic requirements. The ability to switch between multiple languages and configure language-specific settings ensured seamless communication and improved user experience in multinational environments.

Windows XP Professional Edition targeted professional users, businesses, and organizations seeking a powerful, secure, and scalable operating system. Its robust networking capabilities, advanced security features, remote access functionality, and multilingual support made it an ideal choice for those who demanded reliability, central management, and heightened security in their computing environments.

With its focus on business-oriented features and enhanced management capabilities, Windows XP Professional Edition remains a notable edition that served as a foundation for subsequent business-oriented operating systems in the Microsoft Windows lineage.

Windows XP Professional ISO

Main Features of Windows XP

Windows XP, an influential operating system released by Microsoft in 2001, introduced a plethora of features that contributed to its enduring popularity and widespread adoption among users. With meticulous attention to user experience and system stability, Windows XP offered the following notable features:

1. Enhanced User Interface:

Windows XP introduced a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that greatly improved the overall desktop experience. The redesigned start menu provided quick access to programs, documents, and system settings, while the taskbar offered convenient task management. The clean and intuitive layout made it easier for users to navigate their computers and find what they needed efficiently.

2. Multiple User Accounts:

Windows XP recognized the importance of personalized computing environments and introduced the ability to create and switch between multiple user accounts. Each user could customize their desktop, settings, and files, maintaining their privacy and individual preferences. This feature proved particularly beneficial in shared computer environments or households where multiple users required separate profiles.

3. Enhanced File Search:

Windows XP revolutionized file searching with its improved search functionality. The integrated search feature provided users with a powerful tool to locate files, documents, and applications quickly. By simply entering keywords or file attributes, users could swiftly retrieve the desired information, saving time and increasing productivity.

4. Broad Compatibility and Hardware Support:

Windows XP excelled in compatibility, ensuring support for a wide range of software applications and hardware devices. Its extensive driver library and robust Plug and Play capability allowed seamless integration of peripherals such as printers, scanners, and external storage devices. This broad compatibility facilitated a smooth and hassle-free user experience, eliminating the need for complex setup processes.

5. System Stability and Performance:

Windows XP was renowned for its stability and improved performance compared to previous versions of Windows. The operating system featured a refined memory management system, resulting in fewer crashes and increased system reliability. Additionally, advanced error reporting and system recovery options provided a safety net, allowing users to troubleshoot issues effectively and restore their systems to a stable state.

6. Remote Desktop Connection:

Windows XP Professional Edition introduced the Remote Desktop feature, enabling users to access their desktops and applications remotely from another computer. This functionality proved invaluable for remote work scenarios, system administration, and collaborative environments. Users could securely connect to their desktops from any location, facilitating seamless access to files, programs, and resources, even when away from the physical machine.

7. Windows Media Player and Multimedia Capabilities:

Windows XP included Windows Media Player, a robust multimedia application that offered a comprehensive platform for playing audio and video files. Users could enjoy their favorite music, watch videos, and manage media libraries with ease. Moreover, Windows XP provided built-in support for CD burning, empowering users to create their music CDs without relying on third-party software.

8. Internet Explorer 6 and Enhanced Web Browsing:

Windows XP shipped with Internet Explorer 6, a web browser optimized for the operating system. Internet Explorer 6 offered improved performance, enhanced security features, and compatibility with a wide array of websites. Users could browse the internet seamlessly, accessing online resources, engaging in e-commerce, and enjoying rich multimedia content while benefiting from a more secure and efficient web experience.

Windows XP’s feature-rich environment, coupled with its emphasis on user experience, compatibility, stability, and performance, solidified its position as a groundbreaking operating system. It set new standards for intuitive design, efficient file management, and enhanced productivity, leaving a lasting legacy in the evolution of Microsoft’s operating systems.

These additional features further demonstrate Windows XP’s commitment to delivering an all-encompassing computing environment, encompassing remote access capabilities, multimedia enjoyment, and an enhanced web browsing experience.

Windows XP’s feature set catered to various user needs, from professionals requiring remote access to entertainment enthusiasts seeking multimedia playback and seamless web browsing.

Operating System Requirements

  • Processor: Pentium III
  • Memory: 512 Mb
  • Hard disk space: 5 GB available
  • Video card: Super VGA (800 x 600)

How to install Windows XP on PC?

Once you have download Windows XP ISO file. Save it on your PC. And create a bootable USB, then begin the installation.

Booting sequence
Booting sequence

Insert the bootable CD/DVD or connect the bootable USB drive to your PC. Restart the computer and enter the BIOS setup by pressing a specific key (such as F2 or Del) during startup. In the BIOS settings, set the boot priority to prioritize the CD/DVD drive or USB drive, depending on your installation media. Save the changes and exit the BIOS.


As your computer restarts, it should boot from the Windows XP installation media. Follow the on-screen prompts to start the Windows XP Setup process.

screenshot 1
screenshot 1

Press Enter to move to the next step in Windows installation setup, and agree with the terms and conditions of Windows.

During the installation process, you will be presented with options to partition and format the hard drive. Choose the appropriate partitioning scheme based on your requirements. If you want to start with a clean installation, you can format the entire hard drive or create new partitions. Exercise caution as this step will erase any existing data on the drive.

screenshot 3
screenshot 3

Enter your valid Windows XP license key when prompted. Ensure that you enter it correctly to activate your copy of Windows XP.

screenshot 2
screenshot 2

Proceed with the installation by following the on-screen instructions. Windows XP will copy the necessary files, install system components, and configure the operating system. The process may take some time to complete.

After the initial installation, you may need to install device drivers for your specific hardware components such as graphics cards, sound cards, and network adapters.

Additionally, it is recommended to install the latest updates and service packs for Windows XP to ensure security and compatibility.

Once the installation and setup are complete, you can create user accounts and personalize Windows XP according to your preferences. Set up your desktop, configure network settings, and install necessary software applications.

Create a Bootable Disk with Windows XP ISO

To create a bootable disk using a Windows XP ISO file, follow these steps:

1. First you are going to Download Windows XP ISO File. We will use this Download Windows XP ISO file to make the USB bootable.

2. Ensure you have a USB drive with sufficient storage capacity (at least 4GB) to create the bootable disk.

3. Download and install the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool, a free utility provided by Microsoft, designed to create bootable disks.

4. Open the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool on your computer.

5. Click on the “Browse” button in the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool and navigate to the location where you saved the Windows XP ISO file. Select the ISO file and click “Open”.

6. Select the type of media you want to create – either a USB device or a DVD.

7. If you chose to create a bootable DVD, insert the blank DVD into your computer’s DVD drive. If you opted for a USB drive, connect the USB drive to your computer.

8. In the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool, select the appropriate disk or drive from the drop-down menu.

9. Click on the “Begin copying” button to start the process of creating the bootable disk. The tool will format the disk (if necessary) and copy the Windows XP ISO files onto it.

10. Allow the tool to complete the creation process. It may take several minutes to finish, depending on the speed of your computer and the type of media you are using.

11. Once the tool finishes creating the bootable disk, it will notify you. Eject the bootable disk from your computer’s DVD drive or safely remove the USB drive.

Now you have successfully created a bootable disk using the Windows XP ISO file. You can use this disk to install or repair Windows XP on a compatible computer. Remember to have a valid Windows XP license key for activation purposes.

Windows XP SP3 Product Key


It is Installation Key, not for Windows Genuine Activation (WGA). To obtain a product key for Windows XP Windows Genuine Activation (WGA), you can start purchasing one from the internet.

Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598)

Once you have Download Windows XP ISO file then you are recommended to download the security update too. The Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598) is an important security patch released by Microsoft. It addresses specific vulnerabilities and helps protect Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) from potential security threats.

This update includes fixes and improvements to enhance the security and stability of the operating system. It is recommended to install this security update to ensure your Windows XP SP3 system is protected against known security vulnerabilities.

To download the Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598) from the Microsoft Update Catalog, follow these steps:

1. Visit the Microsoft Update Catalog website.

2. Search for “KB4012598” and select the appropriate version for your system.

3. Click the Download button and save the update file.

4. Locate the downloaded file and double-click to start the installation.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation of the security update.

Can you download Windows XP for free?

Yes, you can download Windows XP ISO file for free from the direct link given. Click on the link here to download Windows XP SP3 for free.

Does Windows XP have an ISO file?

Yes, Windows XP does have an ISO file. And you can download Windows XP ISO file SP3 from hubmanual for free.

How do I download an ISO file for Windows XP?

Download Windows XP ISO file from Hubmanuals using the direct links for free.

How to make Windows XP bootable USB?

To make a bootable ISO of Windows XP, you will need a third-party application such as rufus. Download rufus then use the link to Windows XP Professional download from the direct link. Once downloaded then you will use Rufus for Windows XP bootable ISO. The same method applies to download Windows XP SP2 32 bit ISO bootable.

Windows XP Download ISO 64-bit with crack full version

download windows xp iso file
download windows xp iso file

And that is it. Thanks to Download Windows XP ISO file from Hubmanuals. If you have any questions or idea related to Download Windows XP ISO FIle then comment down, we will to it as fast as possible.

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